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Zaloga: DA
Davek: 22%
379,90 € 341,91 €
Cena brez DDV: 280,25 € (Za stranke zunaj Evropske unije)
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Že od 11,64 €
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36 x 11,64 €
Odplačati želim čim prej
3 x 123,81 €
Želim si izbrati svoje obroke
36 x 11,64 €

Leanpay omogoča enostavne obročne nakupe preko spleta. Za obročno plačilo v košarici izberi Leanpay. Informativni izračun ne vključuje stroškov ocene tveganja.

The Century SM is a Spod rod that hits the range you need when using a specialist Century rod like an FMA, FS or SP+. Without the right tool you might... [Več]

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The Century SM is a Spod rod that hits the range you need when using a specialist Century rod like an FMA, FS or SP+. Without the right tool you might well find yourself under casting to the range perimeter available on your main rigs. As the Spod rod’s main function is to propel and not play – more emphasis and engineering can be placed on the casting side of the design equation. It is therefore possible to gain a degree of economy in the rod’s cost however there is no sacrifice in performance and the dynamics of a demanding cast and rapid retrieve rhythm – needed for effective spodding. Century rods hold the principal World casting distance records on 125, 150 and 175 grams at over 300 yards. We actively transfer technology from what we learn at Tournaments held around the world to long range casting rods like Century SM.
The Century SM is packed with power and internal carbon velocity accelerators that get the distance and enable a positive, quick return for the next cast. Repeat this scenario over hundred times during a full session and the virtues will be become apparent. A Spod rod is one of the most vulnerable rods to test curve decay. You need the stability Autoclaving Technology brings to a composite structure to avoid the performance sapping stresses spodding can generate in an ordinary rod over a very short amount of cycles. You would also be surprised how many aggressive sea species including large shark that have met their match with a Century SM design!
The Century SM rated at a nominal 4.00lb Test Curve but the fluid J to C curve action is deceptive and it will easily handle spods fro 3ozs to 8ozs. An enhanced guide pattern featuring ceramic lined powder coated stainless steel rings commencing with a size 50 butt guide.

Tehnični podatki

Šifra artikla: 5060362012979
Enota mere: KOS
Na zalogi: DA
Davek: 22%
Blagovna znamka: CENTURY

Zadnje ogledano

  • -9%
379,90 €    341,91 €
Že od 11,64 €
na mesec
Enostavni obročni nakupi
Želim čim nižji obrok
36 x 11,64 €
Odplačati želim čim prej
3 x 123,81 €
Želim si izbrati svoje obroke
36 x 11,64 €

Leanpay omogoča enostavne obročne nakupe preko spleta. Za obročno plačilo v košarici izberi Leanpay. Informativni izračun ne vključuje stroškov ocene tveganja.

  • -9%
379,90 €    341,91 €
Že od 11,64 €
na mesec
Enostavni obročni nakupi
Želim čim nižji obrok
36 x 11,64 €
Odplačati želim čim prej
3 x 123,81 €
Želim si izbrati svoje obroke
36 x 11,64 €

Leanpay omogoča enostavne obročne nakupe preko spleta. Za obročno plačilo v košarici izberi Leanpay. Informativni izračun ne vključuje stroškov ocene tveganja.